Deborah Ann Graham
Deborah Ann Graham 


Solway Series

A series of work from the summer of 2024 onwards. These works are based on a collection of location studies made during a summer trip(2024)

to a specific part of the solway coast, from Kippford to Sandy Hills in Dumfries and Galloway. These works are not only informed by the recent studies but also the experience of familiarity and memories from many annual visits from my childhood and the childhood of my children.

At My Feet and Over There

Walks from home, canvas adventures and bit of go as you please.

Lake Paintings



Autumn Changes

A series of work from late 2022 onwards exploring the moods, colours, transitions and feelings of Autumn.

Moody September

Works on canvases and paper from mid-2022 onwards. This series represent an ongoing exploration of studies done on a few moody dramatic days in early Autumn when the sky was bruised dark but the sun struck the landscape in bright streams.

A reflection of that early Autumn back to school feel, full of anxiety about the challenge of new beginnings, about change.

Walking the Land

From images created on daily local walks in early summer 2022 when the grass was high and the insects buzzing.

Local Woodland/ Tinkers Clough

From studies made over the sesons in Tinkers Clough

Adventure Walks

From images created on local walks an exploration in paint.


Flowers from the garden, wild flowers and florist stems feature in this collection of worl on canvas and paper.

From the Life Room

Figure studies from the life room

Archive Galleries

Painting, Prints and drawings.

Abstarcts, Old Fruit, Snails, sunflowers and more.

Deborah Ann Graham Contepory Fine Artist, living and working in the North West of England.


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all images copyright Deborah Ann Graham